#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. The Fabulous Taimyr collection includes 18 little-known legends of the Krasnoyarsk region North’s indigenous peoples and one cross-cutting modern story that unites the past and the future. These are the legends of five Taimyr ethnic groups – Nenets, Nganasans, Dolgans, Evenks and Enets. The book is for children, but is intended for a wide range of readers.
One tale, for example, is dedicated to the great mothers of Taimyr – Mou-nyama and Tui-nyama: in the northerners’ folklore, they appear as the world creators. In other legends, an old man Thimble by name defeats an evil shaman, an orphan girl runs away from evil relatives to the Moon, and a good devil, who lives on the shores of the reserved lake Ayan, eats only gold.
The book author and compiler Alexandra Agafonova collected part of the material during a scientific expedition to the Taimyr peninsula last year. The author managed to communicate with people living in remote villages of Taimyr on the northernmost outskirts of Russia. Dixon, Nosok, Karaul – these distant territories keep many secrets and ancient legends.
The book of the indigenous Taimyr people’s legends is the fifth in the “fabulous” series. Previously, Fabulous Kamchatka, Fabulous Chukotka, Fabulous Yakutia and Fabulous Sahalin were published.
“Fabulous Taimyr carries the wisdom of the peoples who have lived for centuries in perhaps the most severe climatic conditions – in the Arctic. And this climate did not make them unhappy. On the contrary, knowledge of nature makes it possible, even in northern conditions, to be diligent hosts, enjoy the riches of nature, build families and be happy”, says Alexandra Agafonova.
The book will be published with funds raised on the planeta.ru crowdfunding platform. For publication, 400 thousand rubles are needed, more than 330 thousand have already been collected.
Earlier in Dudinka they showed the Taimyr peoples’ Polar Tale, new textbooks in the languages of the indigenous peoples will soon be released, also this year for the first time in Russia they released an album of northern ethnic music.
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Text: Angelica Stepanova, Photo: Alexandra Agafonova