Willian Dorn has been recognized as the best goalkeeper in world futsal.
Basketball stars played in Arctic
#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. The world-class athletes arrival in small towns is always a big event. Especially when it comes to the Arctic regions. However, the Murmansk seaport decided to add a twist to the event: a 3x3 basketball tournament with the Olympic medalists participation was held... on ...
96 swimmers conquered сold Yenisey this year
#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. 111 people announced their participation in the cold swim on the Yenisey. 96 athletes finished, covering a total of 156 kilometers in three distances: 5 kilometers, 500 and 100 meters. Let us remind you that cold open water swims are held with the support of ...
Tonye Jekiri: “I’m very grateful to be chosen to come here”
#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. CSKA club players went on an excursion to Aika and left autographs on the wall of fame. CSKA club center Tonye Jekiri called the sports hall a stunning arena from an architectural point of view and a very special place: “It attracts a lot of kids, ...
Sports stars played in Norilsk
#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. Basketball stars - the CSKA main team players - met in a friendly match at the Aika sports hall in mixed teams with the Norilsk amateurs. CSKA players arrived in the northern city at the invitation of the general sponsor, organizer and owner of the ...
Basketball player Casper Ware signed contract with CSKA
#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. CSKA captain Semyon Antonov, forward Samson Ruzhentsev, center Tony Jekiri, defender Casper Ware and head coach Andreas Pistiolis arrived in Norilsk today at the Nornickel company’s invitation. The first point on the army team’s route was the Octyabrsky mine, where the athletes were given an ...
30 athletes to take part in X-WATERS Yenisey 2024 swim
#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. The Taimyr team was formed based on the results of qualifying competitions in the swimming pools of Norilsk and Dudinka. Let us remind you that cold swims on the Yenisey are held in close partnership with the Norilsk Development Agency, the X-WATERS team, as well ...
Football tournament in felt boots held in Norilsk
#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. The traditional tournament, organized by the Taimyr Football and Mini-Football Federation with the support of the Norilsk Nickel mini-football club and the sports department of the Norilsk administration, was held at the Zapolyarnik stadium. Four city teams competed for victory. The teams Spartak, Everest, Transportnik ...
Krasnoyarsk region team got bronze in northern all-around
#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. Pupils of the sports school named after A.G. Kizim Sevastyan Koshkarev and Maftuna Inatullaeva, as part of the Krasnoyarsk region team, performed in Hanty-Mansiysk at the all-Russian northern all-around competition among juniors 16–17 years old. Six teams representing the Hanty-Mansi autonomous district, the Magadan region, ...
Nornickel Curling Cup’s participants shared their impressions
#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. Curling opens up new horizons, showing serious sports training and scrupulous tactical calculations behind its apparent simplicity. Who will win is decided not only by patience, but also by a mathematical mindset. The outcome of the game is determined by millimeters. But the tournament ...