Tourist demand exceeds supply almost twice

Tourist demand exceeds supply almost twice

November 22, 2024

The number of tourist trips in Russia in 2024 will amount to 95 million.

#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. The projected tourist flow in Russia in 2024 will amount to 92-95 million trips, which is significantly higher than last year, reported Dmitry Vorona, the deputy chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Economic Policy.

In 2023, such trips made by both Russians themselves and foreign tourists amounted to 83 million, which is 20 percent higher than the pre-pandemic level, TASS writes.

“We are growing in the number of visits to the country and domestic trips – about ten percent per month. According to the forecast, by the end of the year there will be about 92-95 million tourists and tourist trips in the country as a whole. This is really the trend in which the country will live due to the development of significant domestic tourism in the next few years”, said Dmitry Vorona.

He noted that tourist demand almost twice exceeded supply. The country needs new hotels, private investment in the development of tourism infrastructure.

The tourism project Five Seas and Lake Baikal will play an important role in the industry development. Entertainment clusters can also become part of event tourism. Several clusters of the kind are already operating in the country – these are Krasnaya Polyana, Yantarnaya, Sibirskaya Moneta, Primorye.

Earlier we reported that Royev Rouchey entered the top attractions of Russia.

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Text: Victor Borodin, Photo: Nikolay Shchipko

November 22, 2024

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