#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. To get to the camp Harp, you need to drive through the frozen desert for about two hours. Indigenous northerners greeted the guests hospitably: they treated them with an arctic delicacy – sliced Yenisey fish. And then gave a master class on how to cook it properly.
“The first time I’ve ridden a sled. It turns out that deer are such kind, sweet creatures that love bread and do not always like to be photographed”, said traveler and photographer Artur Andreev.
“Taimyr may be of interest because it is the North. Especially if you come here in winter, feel how people live here, see the architecture, eat sliced fish, venison, talk with local people, drive along the Yenisey winter road, see the tundra with your own eyes”, blogger Artyom Kashirin shared.
Many travelers have already been to Taimyr and are happy to return here again. Moscow blogger Yulia Lobastova has come to the peninsula for the fourth time and is delighted again:
“Because there is a special atmosphere here, like nowhere else in the world. I’ve been to a lot of places, and the North is really cool”.
Reindeer herders are very interested in ethno-tourism and always welcome guests. Their visits bring additional income. As the guide Elena Evay says, the only problem is transportation: the camps are far away.
Every year the flow of tourists to Taimyr is increasing. In 2020, 5600 people came here, and in 2021 – 9600 travelers.
This year, Taimyr expects at least 11 000 guests. Representatives of the northern tourism industry are confident that, despite the inaccessibility, there will always be demand for the Arctic.
Recall that forty kilometers from Dudinka they plan to equip an ethnic camp and an eco-trail. And the first snowmobile festival Snow Ride Putorana 2022 has recently been held in Norilsk. We also told about a big TV project about tourism in Taimyr launched by the Severny Gorod media company and the Norilsk Development Agency.
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Text: Anzhelika Stepanova, Photos: Vitas Beneta and Leonid Pryadko