#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. The Nornickel will transfer operational dispatch Norilsk energy system’s control to the system operator Unified Energy System (SO UES). The agreement aimed at the Norilsk industrial region’s energy security was signed by Nornickel’s vice president for energy Evgeny Fedorov and the board’s chairman of SO UES Fedor Opadchy.
The Nornickel’s press service explained:
The document implies the transfer of the technologically isolated Taimyr Dolgano-Nenetsky municipal district’s territorial electric power system’s operational dispatch control to the Krasnoyarsk Regional Dispatch Office, a branch of SO UES. It’s done in accordance with the amendments to the federal law On Electric Power Industry adopted on June 11. Now these functions are performed by the Norilsk-Taimyr Energy Company (NTEC).
According to Fedor Opadchy, the transition will be carried out gradually: by the end of 2023, the partners will have to plan and manage the energy regime together, develop measures for the future energy system’s development and systematize information on accidents.
Fedor Opadchy said:
The agreement will allow us to determine the procedure for interaction with the Nornickel so that the functions’ transfer to the system operator does not affect the current energy system’s performance. One of the main agreement’s aims is to disseminate the general principles and standards that exist in the Russian Unified Energy System into the isolated energy system. The project provides for complex technological solutions, so it is very important to carry out the transition as planned: to rebuild technologies, create energy system’s digital twins, train personnel and build communication networks. There is a very large-scale work to be done.
Another agreement in the energy sector was signed by the Nornickel Company with the Public Joint-Stock Company Rosseti (Eng.: Russian networks) North-West in the presence of the Murmansk Region’s Governor Andrey Chibis.
The Nornickel intends to completely abandon the fuel oil’s use at the company’s industrial site in Monchegorsk. The outdated fuel-oil boiler house will be replaced with a modern electric one. The investment project’s implementation will contribute to the pollutant emissions’ reduction and the Nornickel’s transition to modern green technologies. It will also help achieve the carbon reduction targets set out in the company’s Environment and Climate Change Strategy 2030.
The cooperation agreement was signed by Nornickel’s vice president for energy Evgeny Fedorov and the Rosseti North-West’s general director Artem Pidnik.
The Rosseti North-West is ready to build a modern energy source and the necessary power grid infrastructure to provide 200 megawatts of power for connecting the facility taking into account future loads.
Evgeny Fedorov said:
The construction of such a powerful boiler house will allow us to completely avoid the fuel oil’s use at the production site in Monchegorsk. This project is Nornickel’s environmental strategy’s part. Reducing our environmental impact is an important step towards creating ‘green’ metals. In addition, we are significantly improving the production processes’ efficiency, from reducing energy costs to optimizing fuel logistics costs.
According to the company, the effect from switching to an electric boiler house will be reducing CO2 emissions up to 400,000 tons per year.
Artem Pidnik noted that the Arctic’s development is one of the main economic priorities of the country:
More than 460 projects are being implemented here, and the volume of investments exceeds 1.3 trillion rubles. The Arctic provides the ecological strength’s reserve not only for Russia but for the entire planet. Fuel oil and coal energy resources are the main harmful emissions’ sources into the atmosphere. Replacing inefficient and non-environmental fuels with electricity is not only economically justified, but also necessary for environmental protection. The Rosseti North-West is ready to create the necessary infrastructure.
Andrei Chibis emphasized the agreement’s importance the Arctic ecology:
Environmental protection is one of the main tasks defined by the strategy for the Arctic zone’s development until 2035. Our goal is to develop infrastructure in accordance with modern requirements maintaining the Arctic territories’ uniqueness. It is very important that the signed agreement will contribute to the Arctic nature’s conservation in the future. Freeing the region from fuel oil dependence is a strategic direction in our energy development concept. Another important step on this path has been taken today.
Earlier we told that the Nornickel signed two key agreements with Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources and that the Norilsk renovation was discussed at SPIEF-2022.
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Text: Ekaterina Elkanova, Ekaterina Maksimova Photo: the Nornickel's press service