#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. The Norilsk Museum will join the action for the second time. Two evenings, June 2 and 3, Norilsk residents will enjoy lectures, meetings, quests, night tours and more. They will hear about geography, geographical discoveries and events – special attention to those that happened in our northern regions. For the first time in the country, the Geography Night was held in 2020 in honor of the Russian Geographical society 175th anniversary.
The Geography Night will begin on June 2 at 18:00 with a meeting with Yegor Tulnovsky, a participant in the high-latitude routes “In the polar expeditions footsteps”. A Russian Geographical society member and a special correspondent of the Zapolyarnaya Pravda newspaper will talk about the Great Northern expedition evidence and the work of the Norilsk Expeditionary club named after Troitsky to study and popularize the Taimyr peninsula’s history.
Immediately after the meeting, which will be held in the Talnah museum branch, the audience will be able to follow their ‘Taimyr paths’ in a quest game. Admission is free, participation in all activities is free.
On June 3, at another site of the Geography Night – in the Norilsk First House – young visitors will be offered to become participants in the interactive excursion In Search of Taimyr Treasures. In the house, which has preserved the atmosphere of the first winterings of the North travelers and conquerors, the children, like real geologists, will study the Taimyr minerals physical properties and, using a geological hammer, extract the Norilsk mineral resources main wealth – copper-nickel ore, fragments of which can be taken with them as a keepsake souvenir.
In the Norilsk Museum main building, the action will begin on June 3 at 18:00. Until 21:00, the quest game Terra Incognita will take place for its adult and young participants, experienced and beginner geographers. Thematic souvenirs are waiting for the most active, attentive and inquisitive. Admission is free, participation is free.
At 18:00, 19:00 and 20:00 the exhibition “Let’s go to Severnaya Zemlya. Alluring unknown ahead” tours start. The exhibition is dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the Severnaya Zemlya archipelago discovery and the 130th anniversary of Nikolay Urvantsev. This new project is dedicated to the brave discoverers’ feat and creates the effect of presence. Visitors will be able to immerse themselves in the expeditions atmosphere and look at Severnaya Zemlya through the its conquerors’ eyes.
In addition, at 19:00 there will be a lecture on the activities of outstanding world-class scientists – Norilsk geologists Nikolay Urvantsev, Nikolay Fedorovsky and Mikhail Godlevsky. And at 21:30 and 22:30, the groups will go with a museum guide to one of the key expositions dedicated to the Taimyr peninsula.
“By popular demand, we are repeating trips in complete darkness for those who did not have time to get in last year”, the museum workers said. “Tourists will explore the peninsula, recognize its inhabitants by the sounds, tactilely identify the animals living here, the North indigenous peoples’ clothes, and much more.”
Recall that the first permafrost descriptions were made back in the 17th century by Russian explorers who conquered Siberia.
Earlier, in 2022, jeep extremes – the team of experienced Arctic traveler Bogdan Bulychev – set two world records in the Arctic at once, and in 2023 they conquered the northernmost point of Eurasia in Taimyr.
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Text: Elena Popova, Photo: editorial archive