#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. The Norilsk Development Agency invites everyone interested in tourism development to the China: Effective Cross-Cultural Communication master class, conducted by Asel Smolyar, an international business expert in PR and strategic marketing in the field of tourism and hospitality.
According to experts, despite the reopening of China after the pandemic, it may take a long time before the China guests flow resumption. Constraining factors are Asians’ cautious attitude towards health, as well as the international environment.
“An important role is also played by the positioning of tourism products in the Chinese market and establishing relations with Chinese tourism organizations”, notes Asel Smolyar.
In the classroom, the expert will introduce you to the mentality of the Chinese tourist and his needs, trends and features of Chinese outbound tourism. Specialists from the Norilsk hospitality industry will learn how to create proposals taking into account Asian specifics and promote tourism products in China’s digital space.
Recall that during the Arctic Week in Norilsk, experts discuss the tourism development in the Arctic. The exhibition of tourist products has been successfully held in the northern city.
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Text: Angelica Stepanova, Photo: Xiong Qi / Global Look Press