Dmitry Lukashov: “It’s great that the Arctic guys learn from professionals”

Dmitry Lukashov: “It’s great that the Arctic guys learn from professionals”

January 20, 2025

A Match TV journalist became a guest of the Media School in the Polar Region.

#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. The Media School in the Polar Region project, which is being implemented with the support of the Nornickel company, continues its work in the region for the tenth academic year.

Dmitry Lukashov is a popular presenter of the Match TV channel, a journalist with more than 20 years of professional experience, who has hosted numerous sports events, including the World Cup and Ice Hockey championships, as well as six Olympic Games.

The hour and a half meeting flew by, Dmitry spoke with incredible energy and involved everyone present in the world of sports journalism, which this time included not only listeners of the Media School, but also residents of the northern city who are passionate about sports journalism. The speaker told the story of his choice of profession at the age of 14 in his native Novokuznetsk, which, as he noted, partly reminded him of Norilsk.

“I want to share my experience, especially with those who plan to become a sports journalist, to move in this direction, which, I hope, will help to become a new star in television journalism”, Dmitry Lukashov greeted the assembled Norilsk residents.

The guys listened to the speaker with genuine interest, and did not hesitate to ask questions, which, as the TV presenter emphasized, were interesting and not standard.

Dmitry Lukashov noted how great it is that the guys from the Arctic are learning the basics of the profession by participating in the Media School in the Polar Region project under the mentorship of teachers – journalists and invited guests.

In turn, the young news tribe shared their impressions of the meeting.

“I am very happy to meet with today’s guest, because it is rare to have a chance to talk to such a master of journalism, the information received from him is very valuable, especially about live broadcasts and work on camera. My first immersion in sports journalism happened at The Arctic Curling Cup, where we took interviews, so communication with Dmitry Lukashov is especially valuable for me”, said Arina Lepesheva, who worked in the operational press center at the tournament as part of a group of novice journalists from Norilsk and Dudinka.

The young journalists from the Arctic noted one very important piece of advice from the eminent guest that you need to communicate with your interlocutor on an equal footing, not be embarrassed by his authority and merits, but be sure to be prepared.

The meeting with Dmitry Lukashov ended with photo and autograph sessions, as well as words of gratitude and an invitation to visit the northern city again.

Earlier, This Is Taimyr reported on the meeting of young correspondents of the Media School in the Polar Region with the Match TV channel presenter Emma Gadzhieva.

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Text: Maria Ivanova, Photo: Olga Zaderyaka

January 20, 2025

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