Unique color solutions developed for Norilsk

Unique color solutions developed for Norilsk

October 22, 2020

Changes to the album of standard color solutions were approved at the meeting of the City Council.

It was considered to change the album of standard color solutions for the facades of buildings and structures of the city.

When creating the updated passport, three parameters were taken as a basis: the city’s planning significance of the objects, the typology of buildings and the light resistance of the facades.The elements of the facades, mosaics and other architectural features were also taken into account.

“It is important that each district will have its own colors, its own standard solutions, but they are all united by a single large-scale concept”, said Evgenia Arefieva, Managing Partner of the Urbanika Institute for Spatial Planning, which developed the city’s master plan proposed by the Norilsk Development Agency (NDA).

All districts of Norilsk are divided into clusters. The Central one has ten of them, Talnah – five, Kayerkan – four. Each has its own palette of background and accent colors.

“Despite the variety of color solutions, the updated coloristic album unites all areas into a single concept”, the developers note.

“The main difference between the proposed album and the first one is the change of the color classification system: from RAL Classic, which describes only 213 colors, to RAL Design, which contains 1825 colors. This will allow avoiding mistakes when tinting colors for painting facades”, said Victoria Chulanova, head of the NDA’s City Environment Development Department.

Also, color solutions for schools and kindergartens of the city were presented. All those suggestions fit into the 3D city map, which provides several color options for each building.

Text: Ekaterina Maximova, Photo: Olga Polyanskaya

October 22, 2020

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