Unique ABC book released in Krasnoyarsk

Unique ABC book released in Krasnoyarsk

October 24, 2023

It provides examples for each letter that are well understood by the region residents.

#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. In September, the Prima City website published a Krasnoyarsk-style ABC book. The authors were inspired by the Soviet alphabet, which children learned in first grade.

Each letter in this publication is a phenomenon understandable mainly to Krasnoyarsk residents. They were selected by designer and artist Kirill Pechenkin, and the Kandinsky neural network helped to stylize the image.

For example, “A” stands for Академ (Academician – a full name is Akademgorodok), one of the most beloved and green areas of Krasnoyarsk, “Д” is for Дед (Grandfather), in honor of one of the most recognizable rocks in the Krasnoyarskiye Stolby reserve, “Й” is for Йене (Yene), from which the name Yenisey is supposed to come from, and “Ф” is for Флагшток (Flagpole), which is pride for Krasnoyarsk residents and one of the highest in the country. There is also “Л” – Лестница (Stairs), which is the longest in Krasnoyarsk, and “M” for Метро (Metro), which is the most long-awaited in Krasnoyarsk.

“Our team was inspired by the most famous Soviet primer with a capital A and schoolchildren on the cover. The primer not only helped to understand the letters, but explained the structure of life. It seemed to us that knowledge about wild garlic, drivers’ pain about curbs, the current flight program features and the importance of the metro also explain how to live in Krasnoyarsk”, explained the Prima City website team.

Earlier, we told that Nornickel is helping Taimyr introduce online education and publish textbooks.

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Text: Elena Popova, Photo: Prima City website

October 24, 2023

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