#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. Taimyr Wildlife is the name of the book, which was presented at the Joint Directorate of Taimyr Reserves office. The authors of the encyclopedia are botanists and biologists with many years of experience in studying the local flora and fauna. Among them are Elena Pospelova, Igor Pospelov and the chief reindeer expert of the territory Leonid Kolpashchikov.
The book gives a description of the natural areas, animals and plants of the Taimyr peninsula – a large northern region of Russia, a kind of mini model of the Arctic.
Separate sections are devoted to the current state of hunting and rare species of animals and birds populations, their economic use and protection.
Articles on distribution, biology and abundance were made for 19 species of game mammals and 19 representatives of avifauna, for four species of animals and ten species of birds listed in the Red Book.
The publication describes in detail the natural appearance of Taimyr – its water system, climate features, natural areas. Terrestrial and marine mammals, spring migrations and nesting of birds on a zonal basis are presented separately. Personally – wolf, hare, ermine, arctic fox, wild reindeer, as well as small game animals: musk ox, elk, brown bear, wolverine, lynx and muskrat.
A large, colorful tome full of valuable information, illustrated with captivating color photographs. The book also includes data from Grigory Yakushkin, a participant in the outstanding biological experiment of the twentieth century on the reacclimatization of the musk ox in Taimyr.
The story of how musk oxen got to Taimyr is noteworthy. During his visit to Norilsk in 1971, canadian prime minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau promised that his government would provide some musk oxen for Taimyr. And he fulfilled his promise: three years later, in September 1974, in the lower reaches of the Bikada river, for the first time, ten calves, donated to the Soviet Union by Canada, were released for acclimatization.
In 2005, an experiment began on the resettlement of already Taimyr musk oxen in the Magadan region. And in 2019, Taimyr Reserves directorate celebrated the 45th anniversary of the experiment to restore the population of these animals on the peninsula. We also told that in the village of Volochanka, the year before last, a musk ox breeding farm was opened.
Earlier in Norilsk, the project Bighorn Footsteps was presented: this spring, enthusiasts will go on an expedition to look for the rare Putorana bighorn sheep.
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Text: Denis Kozhevnikov, Photo: Reserves of Taimyr, Nikolay Shchipko, Olga Alexandrova, Olga Polyanskaya