Sixth corporate eco-marathon starts on June 12

Sixth corporate eco-marathon starts on June 12

June 02, 2021

The regional meeting of volunteers will be held in Norilsk.

#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. On June 12, the annual ecological marathon Poneslos! (eng. Let’s Go!) starts in the cities where Nornickel operates. It is one of the Kombinat Dobra large-scale corporate volunteering program directions. For the first time after a year of restrictions, marathon participants will meet offline and hold large-scale environmental campaigns.

This year, the organizers plan regional volunteers meetings

“We care not only about our employees’s leisure, but also about their health. Therefore, taking into account the epidemic situation we will gather for subbotniks (Saturday work meetings), organize environmental campaigns and much more”, Olga Negrash, chief specialist of the Nornickel Polar Division’s charitable programs department told.

Traditionally, from June to October Poneslos!-2021 will unite the company’s employees and caring people who respect nature and implement volunteer projects. As in previous years, the winners of the eco-marathon will receive certificates from Nornickel in the amount of 50, 100 and 150 thousand rubles. The funds will be used for charity.

According to Olga Negrash, many projects have been launched over the years. A lot of them still work today, for example, a plastic recycling workshop, the ECOfriends environmental education center and others.

This year, the organizers plan regional volunteers meetings. Thus, participants from the Krasnoyarsk region will come to Norilsk and build an interactive trail for the Taimyr deer.

“The regional rally was not implemented last year due to the coronavirus pandemic. This year, in the format of a volunteer camp, we will gather regional participants and conduct a large-scale environmental campaign. It will culminate in a deer trail. We will determine the location in the near future”, Olga Negrash said.

In addition, the volunteer teams’ leaders will meet at the Engineers of Good Deeds general eco-meeting.

“We are optimistic about the future, we hope that an off-site rally will take place with the participation of all volunteers”, the interlocutor summed up.
To become a participant in Poneslos-2021 and to contribute to the ecology of your hometown, you have to get registered on the website. Applications are accepted until June 5 inclusive.

Let us remind you that every year the eco-marathon Poneslos!gathers hundreds of participants. So, in 2019, in Norilsk, 250 volunteers united into 29 teams from 45 divisions of the company and 22 partner organizations, became part of the large ecological family. Last year, the event took place online, but volunteers continued to hold subbotniks and even organized an open-air film screening.

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Text: Ekaterina Elkanova, Photo: open sources and the editorial archive

June 02, 2021

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