Russia developed floating drone for exploring Arctic

Russia developed floating drone for exploring Arctic

November 03, 2023

The ship can carry various equipment and be controlled remotely.

#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. The Arhangelsk scientific and educational center Russian Arctic has developed a marine drone. It is planned to be used for various research in the Arctic, said Marat Yeseyev, the center’s scientific director, deputy first vice-rector for promising projects of the Northern (Arctic) Federal University.

The drone is a small vessel, up to six meters in length, capable of transporting cargo and carrying out monitoring functions in river, coastal and sea zones without a crew assistance. The development may have a dual purpose, but first of all it is planned to be used for peaceful purposes, he told TASS.

The vessel’s hull is made of corrosion-resistant plastic, the engines can be propeller or water jet. The main feature of the drone is its control system.

“Today, the drone’s “brains” already exist. They can work in autonomous mode, that is, in this case it is necessary to scan the surroundings around them in order to understand where and how to move, to do this either using video recording or using laser rangefinders-lidars, like unmanned vehicles”, the scientist explained.

The ship can be controlled remotely using various types of communications.

“The system assumes that this ship can be hundreds of miles away from the base, up to 500 miles, but in this case, of course, communication must be ensured. Communication is satellite, but this can also be achieved using radio equipment. In this case, there are limitations on the horizon”, the scientist clarified.

The communication antenna is placed on board, but can also be raised to the required height by a flying drone. In addition, other vessels can be used to act as signal transceivers.

The ship can accommodate equipment for various works: video cameras for monitoring, sensors for temperature, wind speed and direction, submersible sensors for measuring water salinity – for hydrological research.

Previously, we told you that researchers found a new island on Novaya Zemlya, and a ship that sank during the Great Patriotic War in the Kara sea.

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Text: Victor Borodin, Photo: Denis Kozhevnikov

November 03, 2023

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