#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. According to a special recipe, a decoction is prepared from reindeer antlers, in which you can take a bath. Reindeer antler for medicinal purposes will be used in Taimyr for the first time in the world. The practice of pantotherapy is already used in Altay, but there the decoction is made from the young marals antler.
The Tyiaha (Deer River) pantotherapy center in Dudinka offers antler bath procedures, herbal medicine in a barrel using Taimyr wild herbs, as well as an infrared sauna, which during the polar night Dudinka people call the northern sun.
The idea to create a pantotherapy center based on local raw materials was proposed in 2022 at the coordinating council of the indigenous Taimyr communities at Nornickel. The project required serious investments, but the company, after discussion, came to the conclusion that it has certain prospects, and allocated funds for its implementation.
The prospects for the project development in Dudinka are primarily related to the possibility of selling local raw materials on their own market – reindeer antlers were once purchased by China for the medicines production, but for some time now the purchase of a unique product of animal origin in the Celestial Empire has been prohibited at the state level. But now local entrepreneurs are provided with antlers in abundance.
The community Hanavey (Falcon), which created the pantotherapy center, includes more than 25 families of reindeer herders and hunters, the total number of domestic reindeer is more than 12 thousand heads. Thus, the center will not experience a shortage of raw materials for antler broth, and besides, it gets the opportunity to choose the best raw materials of the highest grade. By the way, competent antlers cutting not only does not harm deer, but also promotes rapid regeneration and growth of new ones.
Right now, the antlers cutting is starting in tundra, and the suppliers are already ready to take the young antler to Dudinka. The center’s need for reindeer antlers will average about 50 kilograms.
The adoption of wellness procedures with unique components in the pantotherapy center becomes also one of the tourist program components for the territory guests. The center’s creators are planning to offer the same preventive procedures as part of Nornickel’s corporate medical services and as a social measure to support certain categories of Taimyr residents.
The center has not officially opened yet, but the appointment for the procedure for taking an antler extract bath is made up for the whole June.
It is known that young reindeer antlers contain a nutritional elements complex that have a beneficial effect on people’s well-being, give strength, vigor, they are recommended by doctors for certain types of diseases as a preventive and restorative remedy.
Earlier, we wrote about the production of a medicinal extract from young reindeer antlers in Dudinka.
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Text: Denis Kozhevnikov, Photo: author