PROdvizhenie photo exhibition to take place in Norilsk

PROdvizhenie photo exhibition to take place in Norilsk

September 22, 2023

Famous industrial photographers will come to sum up the results and award the authors. (6+)

#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. At the Arena-Norilsk sports and entertainment complex on Saturday, September 23, a photo exhibition of industrial photography PROdvizhenie with the participation of a jury will be solemnly opened. An awards ceremony will take place.

The organizers of the PROdvizhenie photo exhibition are the Nornickel Polar Branch’s public relations department and the Severny Gorod media company.

The exhibition features more than 60 photographs by local photographers about the production of the Norilsk city-forming company and its people. A few years ago, seeing industrial photography was rare. Today, interest in this genre is only growing. Such photographs convey to the viewer the scale and importance of industry in the economy of a particular city and country as a whole.

The authors are 13 photographers from Norilsk and Dudinka: Alexander Gorbarchuk, Vitas Beneta, Denis Gaskov, Evgeny Pavlenko, Evgeny Strenadko, Ivan Zyablov, Leonid Pryadko, Maxim Zverev, Marina Peshkova, Mikhail Podolyak, Sergey Dokukin, Sergey Kolosov and Sergey Parhomenko.

All summer the exhibition traveled along the company’s main enterprises. It was watched by over ten thousand miners, metallurgists, enrichers, contract workers and the enterprises’ guests. The pictures aroused interest and are receiving a lot of positive feedback.

Jury members – industrial photographer Victor Borovskih, industrial blogger Igor Yagubkov and our friend, former Norilsk resident, professional photographer Alexander Haritonov – will come to sum up the results of the traveling exhibition and reward the authors.

Nornickel invites well-known professionals, interacts with representatives of the city’s creative environment and promotes their development and promotion. Industrial photographers post their works on different accounts, public pages, and submit them to competitions at various levels. Through their creativity, they convey a new perspective on familiar things, reveal their own creative potential, introduce viewers to the territory, and also help promote industrial tourism, which has now become one of the trends in the industry.

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Text: Polina Bardik and Angelika Stepanova, Photo: Vitas Beneta

September 22, 2023

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