Nornickel dynasties showed unity at interactive festival

Nornickel dynasties showed unity at interactive festival

July 09, 2024

On Sunday, a sincere family event took place at the Zapolyarnik stadium.

#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. The interactive festival was attended by 16 families – participants in the corporate project Nornickel Dynasty. The sports and intellectual event took place on the eve of the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity.

By completing each of the six tasks, families demonstrated the ability to act harmoniously and amicably, as well as ingenuity and erudition.

“With great pleasure, I congratulate all participants and families on a wonderful Russian holiday – the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. Take care of your families, give your loved ones smiles, words of love and tenderness every day. Let this holiday become another bright event in your family chronicle. Good luck to everyone and have a great mood”, Larisa Neplyahovich, acting director, addressed the festival participants. Head of the corporate projects department of the Nornickel Polar Division.

A short presentation of the participating families helped fans get to know them.

The Filonov family – Alexey, Marina and son Andrey, representing the Medvezhy Rouchey enterprize, are proud to work for the company and want their dynasty to continue at this enterprise.

“I’ve been working for the company for 12 years, but I came to Medvezhiy Rouchey just this year. My parents worked here. Now they are already retired and have left for the mainland. Our dynasty is about 30 years old. I came here with my parents in 1997. We have never regretted that we changed the mainland to the North”, shared Alexey Filonov.

Alexey and Marina call their son Andrey the captain of their family team and say that he is a captain in life. His leader qualities are evident in everything.

The family showed its unity not only at the interactive festival in Norilsk, but also in Sochi at the competition Dad, Mom, Me are a Sports Family.

It is worth adding that the winners in the first age category (children from six to ten years old) were the Filonov family.

The Larson family also won in the same age category. The honor of the family was defended by dad Anton, mom Christina and daughter Alicia. Their family traditions are very important to them.

In the second age category (children from 11 to 14 years old), the Puzrakov family won: Yaroslav, Valeria and son Gleb. This society unit represented the Norilsk-Taimyr Energy Company at the festival. They are new to our northern city. They arrived in the North just a month ago and immediately plunged into the company’s corporate life. The second winner in this age category was the Ruban family: Vladimir, Tatyana and son Bogdan. The family dynasty consists of four generations. They are regular participants in various Nornickel events.

The Virchenko family also received warm congratulations. On the day of the festival, Alexander, Olga and daughter Alexandrina celebrated their wedding anniversary. The mom went through all the festival tests wearing a veil.

Four generations of the Muhametzyanov family took part in the interactive festival and adequately represented the Oktyabrsky mine. Grandmother Tatyana, daughter Olesya, and granddaughter Evelina entered the Zapolyarnik stadium. The beginning of the labor, creative and sports dynasty was laid back in 1975. The grandmother’s work experience is more than 30 years, and her daughter’s is 11, of which four years were at the Oktyabrsky mine. The Muhametzyanovs say that they are an active and inquisitive family, open to everything new.

The family festival went off with a bang, giving a lot of memorable moments and a great mood to the dynasties and their fans.

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Text: Maria Sanina, Photo: Nornickel’s press service

July 09, 2024

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