#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. The Talnah branch of the Norilsk Museum held the fourth environmental event Ecological Night – it was dedicated to the Taimyr underground treasures and geological expeditions.
Geologists, environmental activists, tourists, volunteers, dog lovers, neighbors and numerous friends of the Norilsk Museum and its Talnah branch responded to the museum’s call Time to Collect Stones.
Norilsk residents studied stones, discovered new rocks together with geologists, examined their shine in a field laboratory under a microscope and in the dark, and exchanged their treasures at a geological flea market. The most creative ones surprised with their works – they used stones as a canvas, and art chips and stencils for art recycling – the production of fashionable and stylish things.
All this fits into one museum geological town and along the eco-trail ON-Mountain Museum, which for the fourth year continues to introduce the amazingly rich, well-groomed and clean thanks to eco activists territory to the Norilsk residents, tourists and guests.
Going down the mountain, everyone made noise with stones, sang songs and already expertly imagined future outstanding exhibits. Exactly in a year, an open-air geological exhibition will open.
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Text: Angelika Stepanova, Photo: Norilsk Museum