Norilsk residents celebrated Epiphany

Norilsk residents celebrated Epiphany

January 22, 2024

They equipped a font and installed heated modules at the Ol-Gul pond.

#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. On the day of Holy Epiphany, dozens of religious people plunged into the ice hole at the ski base pond.

Epiphany Eve this year turned out to be frosty and windy. Minus 20 degrees with wind chill felt like minus 33, and gusts of snow forced townspeople to pull scarves over their faces and hide deeper in their hoods. And yet, dozens of brave residents decided to dive into the ice hole at Ol-Gul, and at the same time wash away their sins and renew themselves.

Priest Father Gennady conducted the festive service. The experienced Norilsk winter swimmers were the first to step into the ice hole, and all the rest followed their example. Participants in the Epiphany bathing noted the good organization of the city event: a comfortable swimming pool, warm pneumatic frame modules, a cafe, as well as the organized delivery of people to the ski base by buses.

Alexander, an experienced winter swimmer:

“Everything is great! The water is excellent. Just what you need for soul and body!”

Daria plunged into the ice hole for the first time. She prepared for the dive for almost a year, did frost hardening and took a contrast shower every day.

“For me, the dive was exciting and unforgettable”, says the girl. “This is a valuable experience, and I want to repeat it again, and maybe more than once. The holiday organization is excellent. Everything is done very conveniently”.

Marina, an ice swimmer and experienced tourist:

“Cool! I didn’t think about the cold, I just took it and entered the water. In Dolgoye lake the water is, of course, much warmer, but at Ol-Gul the water is refreshing. Just the pleasure and joy of diving into the ice hole”.

“Water is fire! At first it burns with cold, and then it becomes hot and you don’t want to leave the font at all. I recommend everyone to try it”, shares Olga, who also came to get recharged from Epiphany water.

Dmitry has little winter swimming experience:

“I am delighted with the ice hole at Ol-Gul. The organization is excellent. The hot tub is comfortable. There is a cafe and an opportunity to take a breath and relax. There were no extra people at the base, but only those who really love cold water and hardening”.

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Text: Natalia Cherkashina, Photo: Nikolay Shchipko

January 22, 2024

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