ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. Nikolay Utkin, Nornickel senior vice president, the Norilsk Division’s head, congratulated the miners and all Norilsk residents on Miner’s Day.

“Dear Norilsk citizens, dear colleagues! On Nornickel’s and on my own behalf, I congratulate Norilsk on Miner’s Day. This holiday in the northern city is celebrated by thousands of our employees and their families.
In terms of complexity, the work of miners is comparable to a spacewalk. Like real heroes, they explore our planet every day, descend into the bowels of the earth and work with its riches from the inside. All progressive mankind’s development depends on their work. Thanks to the miners’ contribution, modern advanced technologies are created and improved, which are based on metal mined in the depths of the northernmost mines in the world.
Norilsk miners, mastering the unique reserves of our Arctic mining enterprises in the difficult conditions of the Far North, amaze with their incredible results. It is hard to imagine, but the distance traveled by the Talnah mines is comparable to the distance from Norilsk to the capital of Russia, and the amount of ore mined exceeds 450 million tons.
Today, despite new challenges, Nornickel continues to increase the production capacity of our mining enterprises, implement projects, build facilities, improve technologies, upgrade the mining equipment fleet, introduce automated systems for working underground, develop and increase production. We are proud of the colossal contribution that the Norilsk miners make to the development of the company and Russian industry as a whole.
On this significant day, I address the words of gratitude for the enormous work to the teams of all our mines. Keep and develop your unique professional traditions, take care of yourself, comrades and loved ones, be loved, healthy and happy!”
The Nornickel’s best miners were honored in the ore capital. The Nornickel Polar Division’s leaders, the authorities and the public representatives laid flowers at the sculpture of a miner installed in Talnah in 2019 at the initiative of activists.
From early Saturday morning, the mining capital of Russia became the center of mass celebrations organized in honor of the Miner’s Day. Sunny and calm weather allowed citizens to visit sports, educational and creative sites.
By lunchtime, the center of the holiday moved to Miners’ square, where an exhibition of Nornickel’s production equipment, as well as creative and educational venues, took place.
The exhibition of the geological and mineralogical collection from the funds of the Norilsk Museum aroused the greatest interest among the Norilsk people: it presents samples of ores with different combinations and contents of minerals, as well as samples of crystals and rocks.
The performance of the legendary Russian rock band Lyube became a bright end to the eventful festive program.
As a reminder, Nornickel’s Polar Division is an enterprise with modern equipment and technologies. In terms of its reserves volume and the mineral resources diversity, it has no analogues in the world:
- Norilsk ores contain more than 35 percent of the world’s proven nickel reserves, almost ten percent of copper reserves, about 15 percent of cobalt, and more than 40 percent of platinoids;
- in ore minerals of copper-nickel ores there are more than 50 elements of the periodic table, 14 of which are of industrial importance, including copper, nickel, cobalt, platinum, palladium, rhodium, osmium, iridium, ruthenium, tellurium, sulfur and others;
- the availability of rich and cuprous ores in the Talnah ore cluster as a whole, taking into account the level of achieved and planned production, is over 50 years, with disseminated ores reserves – more than a hundred years.
It is noteworthy that in addition to polymetallic ores, the Norilsk industrial region has large reserves of coal and natural gas, common salt and graphite, iron and mercury (cinnabar), gypsum and marble, limestone and siltstone, anhydrite and quartz sand.
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Text: Ekaterina Elkanova, Photo: Nikolay Shchipko