#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. The IMAKE engineering marathon was presented in a new format – a May party: master classes for children and their parents. Thus, Nornickel attracted not only young inventors to improve their engineering skills, but entire families at once.

“Last year IMAKE was held online, so the guys invented remotely. And parents helped many in this difficult, but interesting business. That is why we decided to hold master classes for families”, explained Elena Pomazanova, curator of the IMAKE project.
As it turned out, the townspeople gladly supported the idea. There were quite a lot of applicants, the organizers say. As a result, 48 people from 18 Norilsk families took part in the May party. The master classes for the teams were conducted by the specialists of the engineering marathon, the employees of the Norilsk fablab and volunteers from the Kombinat Dobra (Goodness Combine) project helped them.

The idea of the May party turned out to be so interesting that the organizers decided not just to repeat it someday, but to continue it on a regular basis. Master classes are planned to be held at the fablab site.
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Victor Tsaryov, Photo: Elena Pomazanova