Heiro ensemble represents Taimyr at international competition

Heiro ensemble represents Taimyr at international competition

July 15, 2024

The artists win the audience and the jury’s hearts.

#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. The Taimyr folk song and dance ensemble of the North peoples Heiro takes part in the international multi-genre competition-festival Unity and Friendship of Peoples, which takes place in Abhazia. Groups from Kazahstan and 15 regions of Russia also participate in the large-scale event. The participants’ performances are evaluated by a professional jury, which includes eminent artists and cultural figures of the Russian Federation.

The Heiro ensemble showed the festival audience the best creative performances demonstrating the culture of Taimyr, as well as the North peoples’ costumes and games. To date, the artists already have six first-degree laureate diplomas and the Grand Prix of the competition.

The team’s participation in the competition-festival was made possible thanks to grant support from the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, whose assessment of the cultural-ethnic project Taimyr Sun played an important role in popularizing the North peoples’ culture both in Taimyr and beyond.

Earlier, a specialized publication on the northern dance Sun Dance was published thanks to a grant from the Taimyr World project competition of the Nornickel’s World of New Opportunities charity program. We also reported that This Is Taimyr’s Russian-speaking version – the Severny Gorod news portal – is among the eight best regional media in the country.

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Text: Maria Ivanova, Photo: Denis Kozhevnikov

July 15, 2024

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