#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. Global measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions will not keep the Earth’s temperature rise below two degrees Celsius by 2050, more efforts are needed to do this, oil company Exxon Mobil says in an annual forecast.
According to the forecast, to achieve the goals set by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the world needs to reduce emissions by an average of 11 billion metric tons by 2050. However, Exxon estimates that greenhouse gas emissions will peak at 34 billion metric tons this decade.
The report cited by RBC said that the world’s current drive to cut carbon emissions by more than 25 percent by 2050 ‘is indicative of significant progress expected’ and will occur even as the global economy more than doubles in size. It is noted that this is a major change, since emissions have increased by ten percent over the past decade. Exxon also argues that the world will have to continue to consume oil and natural gas to stimulate economic growth.
“Fossil fuels remain the most efficient way to produce the vast amount of energy needed to build and support the manufacturing, commercial, transportation and industrial sectors that are the driving force behind today’s economy”, the company said in a report.
Nevertheless, Exxon said it would invest $17 billion over the coming years to reduce its own and consumer emissions.
Climatologists have previously said that warming in the Arctic will change the circulation of the atmosphere there. In their opinion, it will shower more often in the mountains of the Northern Hemisphere. Five years’ heat is predicted for the Arctic.
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Text: Elena Popova, Photo: Nikolay Shchipko