#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. The polar bear rescued in Dikson shows an amazing will to live. The predator actively moves around the enclosure, eats with appetite and is not afraid of people. Specialists are trying to do everything so that the wounded predator gets comfortable living conditions.
Recall that a wounded bear was found in the village of Dikson on September 3. Due to bad weather, the specialists were able to give the beast professional help only two days later. The Nornickel company helped with transport, and the bear was taken to Norilsk.
The circumstances under which the beast got gunshot wounds and bruises have not yet been clarified. As a result of injuries, the hind limbs of the bear are immobilized. The first aid to the exhausted and dehydrated animal was provided on the spot, but it was decided to transport the bear to the capital for further diagnostics and treatment. Transportation was organized by Nornickel – in a specially made cage, the animal was transported by NordStar airline.
The Moscow Zoo took the bear for examination, treatment and maintenance. There he was named Dikson. The bear has already undergone CT and MRI, consulted with a neurologist, who gave a disappointing prognosis – the bear will no longer be able to walk, but will live, and therefore the zoo management decided to provide Dikson with comfortable conditions.
Zoo director Svetlana Akulova turned to Sergey Pozyabin, doctor of veterinary sciences, rector of the Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named after K.I. Scriabin. The most experienced doctor specializes in the treatment of bone fractures, conducts endoscopic examinations, and also performs operations on the joints and spine. Sergey Pozyabin agreed to lead a council of specialists who studied the tests results, compared them with the bear’s external state and came to the conclusion that he could be helped, despite the serious diagnosis.
“Sergey Pozyabin delivered a verdict: despite the fact that the bear is half paralyzed, experts will try to provide him with the most comfortable life. The doctors adjusted the treatment regimen, developed a rehabilitation plan, and we’ve started it today. Now we have to rebuild the bear enclosure in such a way that it can regularly perform all the exercises prescribed by the doctors. We equip it with a pool, add snow and will do our best to bring the bear closer to its natural habitat and recover in comfort”, said Svetlana Akulova.
Earlier, This Is Taimyr reported that in July, Moscow veterinarians rescued a polar bear that went out to people for help.
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Text: Ekaterina Maksimova, Photo: Rosprirodnadzor