Craftswoman reveals amber secrets

Craftswoman reveals amber secrets

February 26, 2021

A jeweler, international biennale laureate Natalia Shevchenko has spoken at the Concentrating Factory lecture club - joint project of the Severny Gorod media company and Nornickel.

#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. Amber is an amazingly soulful and very ancient stone. Thus, the first mention of amber in literature was found in Homer: “He brought an expensive necklace to my father’s house: a large electron, set in gold with wonderful art” (Odyssey, Canto 15). A processed piece of amber was called an electron. And in Russia they knew amber very well, they called it alatyr or latyr-stone. The great scientist Mikhailo Lomonosov was very interested in the mystery of the amber origin.

Centuries later, amber is still in vogue. Natalia Shevchenko, the speaker of the Concentration Factory project, a master of amber craft from Kaliningrad, talked about the nature of amber and its origin, the place of amber in the modern world – from jewelry, art to medicine and cosmetic procedures.

Natalia Shevchenko is the head of the Amber Love workshop, the author of the Homlins project. Artist, jeweler, master of amber processing. Laureate of international biennials, initiator of the all-Russian Amber Day creation. She considers her main mission to popularize amber and the amber region.

Text: Angelica Stepanova

February 26, 2021

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