Best Arctic film authors to receive million roubles

Best Arctic film authors to receive million roubles

October 30, 2023

The main idea of the competitions is to realize the Arctic residents’ creative potential.

#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. Arctic Start-up Expedition: The Far East and the Russian Arctic announced the start of accepting applications for a competition of scripts for documentaries about the history of the Arctic and the Far East. The ten best projects will take part in the XV International film festival Northern Character in Murmansk – it will be held on November 13–19, 2023.

The finalists will present their ideas to an expert jury at the film festival. The competition winner will receive the main prize – a million rubles. As reported by the Far East and Arctic Development Corporation, these can be well-developed ideas, concepts or films that are at the production stage.

Applications for the script competition will be accepted until October 31, 2023.

In addition, the organizers of the Arctic Start-up Expedition accept work in other areas of the creative economy: urban environment, animation, fashion and design, jewelry, IT and software development.

The main idea of the competitions is to realize the Arctic residents’ creative potential. The finals of each direction will be held in major cities of the Far Eastern Federal District and the Russian Arctic.

Previously, we told you that scientists made recordings of the living speech, traditions and folklore of the Taimyr inhabitants.

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Text: Angelika Stepanova, Photo: Denis Kozhevnikov

October 30, 2023

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