#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. Another meeting of the Obogatitelnaya Fabrika (eng.: Concentrating Factory) lecture club in the public talk format was held at the Arena-Norilsk shopping-and-leisure center. The northerners’ guest was TV personality and famous blogger Avrora. She raised the topic of life quality, new beauty values, and deciphered the formula of beauty.
According to the Russian TV presenter, film actress and founder of the SISTERCONCEPT brand, getting older is not scary. Avrora is sure that age can be turned into a virtue: adult women acquire wisdom and awareness, and if at the same time you maintain health and feel fresh and cheerful – age is not a hindrance at all:
“There is nothing more important in life than energy, this is the main value.”
And so that the energy does not go away, it is important to follow several rules, which were discussed at the meeting. Avrora spoke about the advantages of preventive medicine, and also that the modern global trend is to spend less on beauty routines and cosmetologists and devote more time to self-development, loved ones, and getting impressions.
“This is a new dimension, a change, and it delights”, the blogger noted. “The concept of anti-aging is outdated. Age is now an analogue not of getting old, but of a more advanced level!”.
Avrora has been studying the issues of longevity and the ability to remain young and beautiful for many years, so she has become almost a guru on the topic: millions get information about a healthy lifestyle on her social networks.
Previously, in the Obogatitelnaya Fabrika format, Norilsk residents met the Business-FM host, the founder of her own school of public speaking, Kira Altman, and cosmonaut Sergey Ryazantsev.
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Text: Marina Horoshevskaya, Photo: Nikolay Shchipko