A solemn event dedicated to the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Association of Indigenous Minorities of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation was held in the Moscow Victory Museum. 41 ethnic groups from 28 regions of the country is its composition today, according to the data of the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper.
The Association of Indigenous Minorities is the first public organization in the history of Russia. 30 years ago, it was created by active representatives of the intelligentsia from the northern regions of the USSR.

“Initially this movement was created for the sake of preserving traditional life, traditional activities, national cultures of small peoples”, the president of the association Grigory Ledkov explained. “Our task is to preserve this unique culture, these age-old traditions for future descendants”.
On the birthday of the association, there were gifts: elders and veterans received certificates of gratitude for the development of the association, and representatives of the regions, in turn, presented memorable souvenirs to Grigory Ledkov. The Government of the Russian Federation, the State Duma, the Federation Council and other departments also joined in congratulating the organization on its anniversary.
“Thanks to the creative activity of the association, its constructive interaction with the authorities, a lot of work has been done”, the head of the state said. The president also noted that the activities of the organization contributed to the preservation of the original customs and habitual way of life of small peoples.
Today, work is being carried out at the regional and federal levels to protect the rights of the indigenous peoples of Russia. The deputy head of the presidential administration of the Russian Federation Magomedsalam Magomedov noted at the ceremony that more than a thousand normative legal acts that implement the rights of indigenous peoples have already been adopted.
Big business also supports national policy in the preservation and development of the ethnic groups.
“This is very important for us”, noted Andrey Grachev, Nornickel’s vice president. “Throughout its existence, our company has been working very closely with the population, because we understand that we – miners, metallurgists – affect nature. Therefore, we need to have a dialogue with the indigenous small peoples of the North”.

Multinationality and cultural diversity in Russia is a value that the Association of Indigenous Minorities of the North, Siberia and the Far East has been protecting for 30 years. Representatives of the organization believe that with the support of public and private structures they will be able to preserve their life and culture for many years.
Text: Victor Tsaryov, Photo: krsk.kp.ru