#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. Indeed, in the middle lane October is far from being a winter month, and in Norilsk at this time the ground is covered with snow, and the polar night with frosts has not yet come.
In those years, 30 members of the men’s team from Moscow, Leningrad, Sverdlovsk, Krasnoyarsk arrived in Norilsk and immediately started preparing for the sports season.
They were accommodated in the village of Valyok, where there was a sanatorium of the same name. There they could live, train, and improve their health.
Ten Norilsk skiers also joined the team training.
For our athletes, those home camps became indispensable teaching aids, and for members of the national team – an opportunity to lengthen the ski season.
In the History Spot’s previous publication, we told about when the very first monument appeared in Norilsk.
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Text: Svetlana Ferapontova, Photo: Nornickel Polar Branch archive