#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. In November 1948, the first train arrived at the factory with the first ore from the Ugolny Ruchey open-pit mine. On November 5, the concentrators tested the equipment.
The BCP entered service on December 21, 1948 – as a gift for Stalin’s birthday. At that time, it was the largest one in Europe.
At the same time, the plant began to work according to a permanent technological scheme for processing normally disseminated ores. During the first 25 years of operation, the production output at the factory grew 60 times.
Since the factory was taken over in the post-war years, when the secrecy regime was on, it was forbidden to announce the Norilsk mines and factories’ names. Therefore, a congratulatory telegram from Moscow was published in the following form: “We congratulate you and the entire team of builders on the commissioning of enterprises under heading by comrades Usevich, Loginov, Gorovenko”.
In the last issue of the History Spot photo project, we told that the oldest gymnasium in Norilsk is still working in a former cinema.
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Text: Svetlana Samohina, Photo: Nornickel Polar Division archive