Month of full house and resonance in city

Month of full house and resonance in city

March 29, 2023

In 1986, director Anatoly Koshelev decided to start the new season with “local material”.

#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. He ordered the play creating to Victor Levashov, a playwright from former Norilsk residents, in the past – an employee of the Norilsk television studio.

This is how the performance Special Appointment was born. At first glance, it is about the heroism of the Norilsk builders. But the first builders were prisoners.

Yury Tsurilo as Zavenyagin

For today’s viewer, there is no particular sedition in it. But then, in 1987, the Norilsk theater for the first time “openly” brought prisoners to the stage.

The role of Avraamy Zavenyagin was played by a young actor Yury Tsurilo. Once the chairman of the city executive committee, Yury Smolov, came to the theater to adjust the builders. He appeared in the hall puzzled: “There’s… some person. It seems it’s Zavenyagin. “This is Zavenyagin!” Levashov and Koshelev answered in unison. And they themselves believed – the performance will be brilliant.

And it turned out: a month of full houses and resonance for the whole city. Not without scandals: the indisputably authoritative chronicler Anatoly Lvov accused Victor Levashov of speculating with history. In response, he heard that in his books the word “camp” was met only with the adjective “pioneer” and “the pot calls the kettle black”… And all this on the pages of the city newspaper. This is how glasnost came to Norilsk.

In the History Spot’s previous publication, we told that LiAZ-677 buses, which were long-lived on the Norilsk roads.

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Text: Svetlana Ferapontova, Photo: Nornickel Polar Branch archive

March 29, 2023

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