#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. True, at first they wanted to name the passage after the cosmonaut Gagarin or the geologist Maslov.
The very first of the hotel-type houses – Molodezhny proezd, 1 – was also built in 1970 and was called the House of the newlyweds. Because small, but individual ‘cells’ were given to young families. They erected a house in almost a year and settled 365 people into it.
The houses were the cheapest and fastest accommodation. In the construction of these standard houses, the authorities saw a solution to the housing problem. “The face of the newly born street is young, kind, happy”, the city newspaper said.
But cheap housing subsequently turned into social and urban problems. In the 1990s, following the economy and politics, Norilsk changed. Like no other street, Molodezhny passage also changed. Young families moved to larger apartments, but other young people did not come instead. Molodezhny (eng.: Youth) passage no longer lived up to its name.
In the last issue of the History Spot photo project, we told about Komsomolsky park, which in the 1950s was a favorite vacation spot for Norilsk residents.
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Text: Svetlana Samohina, Photo: Nornickel Polar Division archive