#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. In June 1949, the Stalinets newspaper told: “In Gorstroy (new part of the Norilsk town. – editor), behind house No. 47 (now – 50 Years of October street, 1. – aditor), they started to build a park named after the Komsomol 30th anniversary. Paths, lawns, flower beds are laid out here, four sports grounds are being built – a tennis, a basketball and two volleyball ones, as well as pavilions and kiosks for selling soft drinks.
According to the first general plans, the park occupied the entire territory of the mountain: walking alleys were supposed to lie on it in concentric circles, and at the top they wanted to put a large gazebo with an observation deck. Some of those plans have come true.
The park creation continued for three seasons in a row. On July 5, 1952, the park was inaugurated. Landscaping was carried out there every year:
“Great work is going on in the park named after the Komsomol 30th anniversary. Here it is necessary to plant 800 trees – birch, alder, thousands of shrubs, to lay out one and a half hectares of lawns, flower beds. The planting site has been prepared, trenches and pits have been dug…”
The park started from the top of the mountain and went down to Dolgoye (eng.: Long) lake. There were gazebos where lovers made dates, wooden verandas and dance floors, benches.
Flowers were planted in flowerpots and flower beds, lawns were laid out, a flower garden with poppies and perennial herbs was planted.
Stairs descended from the hill in both directions – to Komsomolskaya street and Dolgoye lake.
In the 1950s, Komsomolsky park was the main place for recreation and city festivities. In 1958, a boat station was opened at Dolgoye lake.
In the last issue of the History Spot photo project, we told that the monument locomotive on the Ambarnaya river has no northern experience.
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Text: Svetlana Samohina, Photo: Nornickel Polar Division archive