40 years ago Kayerkan and Talnah became cities

40 years ago Kayerkan and Talnah became cities

May 18, 2022

The decree on the Kayerkan and Talnah workers' settlements transformation into cities of regional subordination was signed on November 30, 1982.

#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. At that time, about 25 and 50 thousand people lived in Kayerkan and Talnah, respectively.

A year later, the city of Kayerkan surpassed the district center Dudinka in terms of population. In 1982, a supermarket, a canteen for 300 people, a polyclinic, a gym, an art school, a community center were operating in Kayerkan. And a medical campus construction was almost completed.

In 1985, when the Norilsk combine’s 50th anniversary was celebrated, the Kayerkan people completed the construction of their own cinema. In honor of the holiday, it was called Jubilee.

In the city of Talnah by 1982 there were 18 shops, 5 schools, 12 kindergartens, a service youse, a cinema. They built up a new fifth microdistrict. And the first big gift from the builders to Talnah city was a swimming pool, which was opened there on December 29, 1982.

With the assignment of the city status to the former settlements, the Norilsk industrial region became an urban agglomeration. It was a fashionable administrative division in the 1980s.

But in many ways, the new statuses were a convention. The overall leadership still remained with Norilsk. The Kayerkan and Talnah city councils of people’s deputies were administratively subordinate to the Norilsk city council. Moreover, the cities did not have separate budgets.

On January 1, 2005, they lost their city status: Norilsk, Talnah, Kayerkan and Snezhnogorsk were merged into a single municipality – the City of Norilsk.

In the History Spot photo project previous publication, we told that in 1938, only six people monitored the entire energy infrastructure of Norilsk.

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Text: Svetlana Ferapontova, Photo: Nornickel Polar Branch archive

May 18, 2022

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