Dmitry Lukashov: “Norilsk looks like a snowy fairy tale”

Dmitry Lukashov: “Norilsk looks like a snowy fairy tale”

January 22, 2025

The famous Match TV journalist said that his childhood dream of going to the Olympics brought him to the profession.

#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. The Media School in the Polar Region project, which is being implemented with the support of the Nornickel company, continues a series of master classes with the participation of famous guests in its anniversary year. A journalist of the Match TV channel Dmitry Lukashov has been one of the speakers.

Glancing around the audience, Dmitry Lukashov noted that those present were mostly young people, and began the meeting by telling how his career began at about the age of the media school students.

“At the age of 14, I came to local TV in Novokuznetsk (Kemerovo region), and from 15 I began commenting on hockey matches, and worked a lot in news programs as a correspondent and reporter. And now I have been working as a journalist for almost 20 years. In this profession, there is constant communication with a variety of people, it gives new acquaintances and impressions”.

Dmitry worked in Novokuznetsk until he was 25, then moved to Moscow. There he got a job as a journalist on a sports channel.

From the conversation, those gathered learned that to host an hour-long news program, working in the studio is not enough. You need to be on the agenda all the time, follow what is happening, the stages of the match, all sorts of leagues. The speaker told how he prepares for the broadcast, and to the question: “Is it the profession that chooses the person or the person chooses the profession?” he answered that he chose his career at the age of five.

“My childhood dream of working at the Olympic Games came true in 2008 in Beijing. And it was so interesting and exciting that I later found myself at six Olympics – both winter and summer. Therefore, if you want to become a journalist, you must have an incentive, what you want to achieve, set a goal and task and strive for it!”

Dmitry Lukashov recommended that the guys who dream of sports journalism do not put it off for long, but start showing themselves now.

“You definitely need to watch TV, streaming platforms to catch trends. Try filming – videos, reels, observations, stories … Especially since now they are available even on the phone. Film everything that happens around you. Be observant, inquisitive, follow what is happening around. In journalism, it is very important to catch details. And not even on the set, in everyday life, notice something interesting, it is always curious. It is easy to take a good picture in Norilsk – it is beautiful here, such a snowy fairy tale, on video it looks magical”.

Dmitry also spoke about the peculiarities of television editing, which should be in a certain sequence: general shot, medium shot and close-up, for example: hall – stage – actors:

“Never edit a general shot with a general shot and a close-up with a close-up. This knowledge will not be useful to everyone, but valuable for understanding how to behave during filming and help the cameraman”.

Dmitry also gave advice on writing a text for a television journalist:

“The golden rule: when you arrive at an event, it may be interesting or uninteresting for you personally, so you need to turn on the “virtual interest button” in yourself. Because if you are not interested in it, then none of the readers or viewers will be interested either. And one more thing: the simpler you write, the easier it is for the viewer to perceive. It’s like telling your friends. A very simple technique: one sentence is long, the other is short – this is a technical basic thing that helps when writing text for TV”.

The conversation quickly turned into a dialogue format, the participants of the Media School in the Polar Region project and residents of the northern city passionate about sports journalism shared their experiences and asked questions:

– What did sports journalism teach you?

– At first, I was afraid of live broadcasts, I was very nervous, but over time I learned to cope. The first year or two there will be anxiety, but then this feeling transforms – and you start to enjoy it. In live broadcasts, it is impossible to calculate and take into account everything – for example, a guest is late, but everything must look as if it is going according to plan. You need to navigate very quickly and choose the right words. I work live four times a week, and this gives me real pleasure, because you will not get such an adrenaline anywhere. This is the kind of story when you don’t have a chance to get fully prepared, you can only manage it “here and now” – this is the greatest responsibility, but at the same time, a great pleasure that I would like you to experience.

– How to overcome anxiety?

– There is a simple way: you need to clearly know in advance the questions you want to ask and fully immerse yourself in the topic, then the anxiety will fade into the background and there will be interest in the answers to your questions. Readiness is a must!

– What to do if something goes wrong?

– We go to advertising spot, – Dmitry laughs, – this is the most universal way.

– You talked about the importance of details, what are they?

– A very important story for TV is to watch all the footage, because, as a rule, the cameraman sees everything in his own way. And when you find these details that hook you, you need to not miss them and use them in your story.

– How to highlight the main points correctly?

– Find the most interesting thing for you in this topic. What exactly excites you, what hooked you. And this is what you need to put at the very beginning of the story to attract the viewer.

– Where do you look for information?

– All possible sources of information should be used. These are open sources, and consultations with a colleague immersed in the topic; if about a specific person, then I like to watch his interviews in different years.

– Who would you have become if you had not become a sports journalist?

– Since I was born in Novokuznetsk, and hockey and alpine skiing are popular there, I would have done one of these sports.

– How many countries have you visited and which one do you remember the most?

– I have visited 60 countries, the most interesting for me is Brazil, and the most vivid memory is the North Pole, we played football there – it was really cold there, not like here, – Dmitry laughed.

– What are your life hacks for aspiring journalists?

– Don’t mind the interlocutor’s authority, communicate without fawning and on an equal footing, prepare for the event at maximum, using only the latest information, immerse yourself in the topic and, of course, pay attention to detail!

“Don’t be afraid to make a mistake: as a rule, no one except you notices it. He who makes no mistakes, does nothing. Write, film, go to hockey matches of the HC Norilsk”, added Dmitry Lukashov concluding the meeting with the Norilsk residents.

Media School in the Polar Region is an educational project initiated by Nornickel in the cities where the company’s enterprises operate. The co-founder of the project is the media company Severny Gorod. Read the young journalists’ articles in the project Media School in the Polar Region.

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Text: Maria Ivanova, Photo: Olga Zaderyaka

January 22, 2025

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