Volunteers in City set record

Volunteers in City set record

January 16, 2025

The results of the traditional pre-New Year campaign have been summed up.

#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. The charity fair has managed to raise 1 368 929 rubles. This is the first time that so much money has been raised, the organizers reported. Nornickel will double this amount and send it to those in need.

During the fair, volunteers from the Factory of Good transformed into real Santa Clauses: they made magical toys, bright souvenirs and sweet treats that delighted visitors. And each guest who bought a thing they liked made their contribution to the goodness piggy bank, the organizers note:

“All participating cities influenced the overall result – Norilsk, Chita, Gazimursky Zavod, Monchegorsk, Zapolyarny and Moscow. Thus, in the Zabaikalsky region, they raised 172 266 rubles to help seven-year-old Alena Ryumina. In the Murmansk region – 241 000 rubles for the shelters Veles and Dari Dobro. In Norilsk – 64 488 rubles for the rehabilitation of eight-year-old Yusif Gurbanov. In Moscow – 201 527 rubles to support orphans with special needs”.

Also in 2024, an online auction was held for the first time, which raised 689 648 rubles.

Earlier, This Is Taimyr wrote about how the Volunteers in City fair was held in our city.

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Text: Maria Sokolova, Photo: Nikolay Shchipko

January 16, 2025

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