Valuable Taimyr loach to be bred for sale

Valuable Taimyr loach to be bred for sale

October 15, 2021

The world’s most useful fish, the commercial fishing of which is prohibited, may appear on the tables of Russians.

#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. Scientists set off on the second expedition to the Taimyr Sobachye lake for a new batch of caviar from Putorana loach. This fish was discovered not long ago and its nutritional quality is superior in value to the quality of sardines and other types of marine fish, which were previously considered the most useful.

The loach has a record content of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids of the omega-3 family. These substances are responsible for the health of the cardiovascular and nervous system, youthfulness and skin beauty, prevention of degenerative changes in the brain and obesity.

Scientists want to achieve loach breeding in captivity, since commercial fishing for the most useful but rare fish in the reserved lake is impossible.

Let us remind you that the program of monitoring and artificial reproduction of loach Salvelinus on Sobachye lake is supported by the Arctic Development Project Office (PORA).

To diversify the genetic material, eggs should be harvested over several seasons from different fish. To collect eggs, the female is sedated, and then released alive and healthy.

The eggs are fertilized and sent to the Federal Fisheries Genetic Breeding Center.

“If everything goes according to plan, we can expect the appearance of a full-fledged replacement broodstock in five to seven years, when loaches reach sexual maturity. This will make it possible to breed them in their natural habitat and without harming the environment”, said the head of the expedition, candidate of biological sciences, associate professor of Siberian Federal University Larisa Glushchenko.

This is already the second capture of females to obtain eggs and carry out artificial insemination. From the caviar obtained for the first time, fry have already been bred at the plant in Norilsk and sent for growing to Ropsha and Krasnoyarsk.

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Text: Angelica Stepanova, Photo: Arctic Development Project Office

October 15, 2021

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