#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. After a long (65 days) polar day and a short period of white nights, dark nights returned to the latitude of Norilsk and Dudinka. And with their return, the work of street lighting devices resumed.

In Norilsk, lanterns began to be switched on in the evenings from August 10. And in Dudinka they started working on the 17th. Electricity for lighting city streets is supplied according to the schedule stipulated by municipal contracts.

In the capital of Taimyr, until August 31, the lanterns will be on until 04.50 in the morning. From September 1, the time will increase by 40 minutes and then will increase as the length of daylight decreases. By the end of the first month of autumn, the street lighting will be on until 06.30 am. By December (polar night time), the streets of Dudinka will be illuminated almost around the clock – for 22 hours and 20 minutes, with a break of only an hour and 40 minutes a day.
Now in Dudinka there are 634 objects of street lighting, including decorative lighting of buildings and objects.
As for Norilsk, in drawing up the schedules, citizens’ appeals and weather conditions were taken into account, when the city was foggy, cloudy and smoggy from the Yakut fires. Now the turn-on schedule is from 21.30 to 04.30.
The period of twilight nights on the 69th parallel will last until September 15. Then, during 73 days, darkness will arrive, and on November 30 the polar night will come.
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Text: Ekaterina Maksimova, Photo: Nikolay Shchipko and Olga Polyanskaya