#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA.THIS IS TAIMYR. On the Yenisey river near the village of Levinsky Sands (Levinskiye Peski), located on the other coast of the Yenisey, opposite Dudinka, the Taimyr Smelt ice fishing contest was held. Representatives of 24 family (tribal) communities of indigenous peoples of the North took part in fishing.
With the Nornickel’s support, the Dudinka City House of Culture and the Center for Folk Art’s assistance, the Kyomyus Taas community organized a game and concert program.
Participants and guests treated themselves to national dishes, fragrant tea on Taimyr herbs, took pictures in a special photo zone.
Aleksey Kucheryavy from the Ulakan Kergen community won the fishing competition – he managed to catch three smelts with a total weight of 270 grams.
The second place was taken by the Chalkya Taba community representative, Nikolay Bettu, who caught two fishes. The catch of Vladimir Kondratjev from the Orodoi community with one smelt weighing 150 grams brought him the third place.
Petr Krivel from the Khar Uyata community distinguished himself in the First Fish category, his smelt was the smallest. The Youngest Fisherman diploma was given to Yefim Falkov from the Urular community, and Innokenty Kudryakov from the Tastakh Khir community was recognized as the most experienced fisherman. The Biggest Fish diploma went to Vladimir Kondratjev, who caught a smelt weighing 150 grams.
Aleksey Chunanchar won the Who Drilled Faster contest. The second and third places were taken by Vladimir Kondratjev and Nikolay Porotov.
The ceremony of honoring the winners took place in the Levinsky Sands village club. While the fishermen were competing for awards, guests were entertained here with interesting facts about fishing and fishermen, a fishing quiz and multiple fun competitions.
Earlier, the This Is Taimyr wrote about the smelt rush beginning on the Yenisey.
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Text: Denis Kozhevnikov, Photo: Nornickel Polar Division’s press service