#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. A joint expedition of the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute and the Rosneft company to study the ivory gull has ended in the Arctic. This is a rare and protected species included in the Red Book of the Russian Federation and the Red List of the International Union for Nature Preservation.
According to the Rosneft’s press service, the research was carried out in the northeastern part of the Kara sea, on the Vize island, as well as in eight other previously known nesting sites.
Scientists assessed the number, health status, nesting patterns and species relationships. Biomaterial samples were taken and 129 adult birds and chicks were ringed. In addition, GPS trackers have been installed on the seagulls to help identify bird feeding areas.
The researchers also tracked the dynamics of the colonies, using camera traps and drones, made videos of the white gulls’ nesting behavior.
The Rosneft report says that for the first time scientists will be able to assess the birds’ stress level and analyze the habitats state.
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Text: Angelica Stepanova, Photos: istockphoto.com and Rosneft