Salmon moves to Arctic for spawning

Salmon moves to Arctic for spawning

October 10, 2023

Fish is changing its habitat due to climate change.

#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. Scientists at the University of Alaska discovered about a hundred salmon that came to spawn in the Anaktuvuk and Itkillik rivers on the northern coast of Alaska. The study confirmed the hypothesis that the fish are changing their habitat due to climate change.

Scientists are confident that many salmon populations around the world are declining precisely because of changes in habitat, but in the Arctic these changes may be beneficial for the fish. writes about this. Now biologists cannot yet confirm that the spawning attempts were successful – observations continue.

Previously, scientists concluded that flora in high latitudes could have appeared several million years earlier than thought. Permafrost degradation can be compensated for by wet soil, ice and plants. Russian oceanologists believe that previously unknown algae will help monitor the state of the Arctic. Polar bears are learning to survive in warming conditions. Recently, more than 1 500 scientists from around the world signed a declaration challenging the idea of a climate emergency on the Earth.

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Text: Angelika Stepanova, Photo: Olga Polyanskaya

October 10, 2023

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