Rescue fleet ships construction to start in Russia

Rescue fleet ships construction to start in Russia

May 27, 2022

The Northern Sea Route up to 2035 development plan will be approved by August.

#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. Russian president Vladimir Putin gave the necessary instructions at the meeting on the Russian Arctic zone’s development:

“First of all it’s necessary to approve a consolidated plan for the Northern Sea Route’s development up to 2035  to ensure reliable, safe goods’ transportation along this most important transport corridor, the Northern Sea Route”.

Also it is necessary to prescribe “the agreement between the Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East, the state corporation Rosatom and shippers aimed at establishing mutual obligations relating to the annual cargo traffic volume”.

In addition, the Cabinet of Ministers has to take into account the icebreaker fleet vessels’ number and range given the need to update and replenish it to ensure cargo traffic as well as the icebreaker fleet vessels, ice-class cargo ships, rescue fleet ships and component equipment timing and deliveries volume (carried out primarily by Russian organizations) necessary for the construction and to ensure the cargo traffic.

The message says:

“It is important to provide for the emergency rescue fleet and integrated MES (the Ministry of Emergency Situations) emergency rescue centers construction and maintenance in the consolidated plan for the Northern Sea Route development <…>. At the same time, the rescue fleet vessels construction should be started by 2025”.

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Text: Ekaterina Elkanova, Photo:

May 27, 2022

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