#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. The government of the Krasnoyarsk region discussed the conservation of the Taimyr-Evenk population of wild reindeer. The meeting was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Natural Resources, indigenous minorities of the North, the World Wildlife Fund and scientists.
According to the deputy prime minister of the regional government, Anatoly Tsykalov, over the past five years, the staff of hunting inspectors has quadrupled in Taimyr and Evenkia. The specialists are equipped with modern technology. In addition, since 2019, the cutting of antlers from wild reindeer has been banned and the hunting period was reduced by 1.5 months.
An aerial survey of ungulates this year will cost the region’s budget 20.6 million rubles.
According to the regional Ministry of Ecology, now there are more than 400 thousand reindeer. To determine the migration routes of animals in 2019, they were put on electronic collars. The 2.5 thousand kilometers long direction passes through the territory of Taimyr, Evenkia, Turukhansk region and neighboring Yakutia.
Text: Angelica Stepanova, Photo: open sources