#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. Treating wheat seeds with a permafrost bacteria suspension can increase winter yields by 30 percent. In addition, the fungal infection level in the first-generation wheat’s grain is significantly reduced. Such conclusions were made by scientists of the Tyumen State University (TSU).
“There are phytopathogens that remain physiologically active even in winter. In addition, south plants’ pathogens are spreading to the northern territories as a climate change result”, the Institute of Ecological and Agricultural Biology of TSU’s junior researcher Olga Domanskaya said.

The permafrost, which is melting due to rising temperatures on Earth today, can become the beneficial microorganisms’ source. Scientists have studied the ability of strains of the genus, selected from geothermal wells in the permafrost zone, to exert a stimulating and protective effect on plants.
The bacterial isolates’ selection was carried out according to two criteria manifested under conditions of cell growth at temperatures below 15°C. The production of hormones that stimulate plant growth showed the ability to suppress the phytopathogenic fungi growth, and the cold-resistant bacilli antimicrobial activity was registered.
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Text: Denis Kozhevnikov, Photo: istockphoto.com