#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. “Despite external challenges, we continue to implement our development projects. Today, the involvement of each employee in a common cause and result is especially important. Nornickel has sufficient margin of safety to fulfill all of its social obligations. Therefore, we decided to support the team and pay a one-time additional remuneration based on the results of the first quarter in the amount of a monthly base salary, but not less than 50 000 rubles to each employee”, said Vladimir Potanin.
Recall that since the beginning of the year, Nornickel has increased the salaries of employees: in Norilsk and the Krasnoyarsk region – by 20 percent, in the Murmansk region – by 10 percent, in other regions – by 6.7 percent. Today, a decision was made to increase wage indexation to ten percent in all regions of the company’s operations.
“We expect that additional payments will help support employees in the difficult economic situation”, Potanin added.
In addition, a decision was made to increase the company’s fund intended for material assistance to employees in difficult life situations.
Thus, 20 billion rubles will be allocated for these measures, and a total of 50 billion rubles will be allocated to support employees in 2022, including the indexation already carried out since the beginning of the year (including deductions to budget funds).
Earlier at the meeting, it was said that Nornickel does not plan to cut employees and will keep the entire social package.
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Text: Tatyana Ermolaeva, Photo: Nikolay Shchipko