Nornickel to help predict permafrost behavior in Arctic

Nornickel to help predict permafrost behavior in Arctic

October 11, 2023

The company monitors permafrost soils and conducts serious scientific research.

#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. In Krasnoyarsk, at the Енисей.РФ media forum, Anton Pryamitsky, Nornickel Polar Branch’s deputy chief engineer, who oversees the company’s global project to implement a monitoring system for the condition of industrial buildings and structures at the Polar Division facilities, spoke about the work the company is doing in this area in the regions where it operates.

“The company monitors permafrost soils and conducts serious scientific research – these activities will in the future make it possible to predict how the permafrost will degrade or, conversely, freeze under the influence of climate change”, the speaker noted.

On thermal stabilization, Nornickel has several projects, within the framework of which there is active cooperation with companies that install thermal stabilizers and other cooling systems. Nornickel experts are actively monitoring the quality of permafrost restoration.

“We use the most Russian-made modern equipment – this applies to temperature control systems, predictive analysis, calculation systems, thermal stabilization systems”, noted Anton Pryamitsky.

Actively participating in the renovation of Norilsk and the construction of new residential buildings and social facilities, specialists from the Nornickel building and structures monitoring center provide all available archival information collected since the 40s of the last century.

Previously, experts calculated that preserving permafrost would save five trillion rubles for the residential and industrial infrastructure of the Arctic. We also reported that the State Duma adopted a law on permafrost monitoring, and Nornickel is preparing to create permafrost test sites.

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Text: Angelika Stepanova, Photo: Nikolay Shchipko / editorial archive

October 11, 2023

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