#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. The first stage of the sea coal terminal in Taimyr is planned to be put into operation in 2024. Its construction is being carried out as part of the Syradasay coal deposit development, according to the explanatory note to the draft regional budget for 2024 and the planning period 2025–2026.
In April of this year, the Glavgosexpertiza of Russia reported that it had issued a positive conclusion on the creation of a water area for receiving and servicing cargo ships and icebreakers in Taimyr. The construction site for the coal terminal water area is located near the village of Dikson, where the northernmost port of Russia is located.
It should be noted that the project for the construction of a cargo pier was included in the number of priority investment projects in the Arctic zone supported by the Russian government. When developing the deposit, they plan to create a coal mine with a capacity of five million tons per year at the first stage and ten million tons per year at the second, build a processing plant, the Yenisey seaport, a highway, a rotational camp, and a power plant. Navigation for the coal removal from the deposit is possible all year round if ships are escorted by the icebreaker fleet.
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Text: Elena Popova, Photo: Denis Kozhevnikov