#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. The hydrometeorological center of Russia on Tuesday, February 9, reported that January 2021 in our country became one of the coldest in the history of meteorological observations.
The Norilsk people felt, as they say, on themselves that the second month of winter had become the coldest. However, frost hit us back in December. So long they did not dominate the city for a long time. Plus, the city was also covered with snow. The air temperature under 50 forced to announce the days off, and not only for schoolchildren. Snow removal equipment refused to work due to low temperatures. The regional operator had a very hard time. The bitter frosts forced motorists and pedestrians to be more careful on the roads. Heavy fog limited visibility. In addition, the eerie cold even contributed to the ignition of cars.
On January 20, a meeting of the Emergency Situations Commission was held at the City hall. The reason was the warning received from the Ministry of Emergency Situations about the onset of frosts of up to 50 degrees on January 21-22. But it felt even more.
By the way, in Yakutia, January also turned out to be generous with low temperatures. On January 18, in the village of Oymyakon, the thermometer dropped to minus 57 degrees.
“In Russia, the first month of 2021 turned out to be cold. This concerns primarily the Asian territory, where it is among the 15 coldest in the history of meteorological observations, that is, since 1891”, Izvestia reports with reference to the Hydrometeorological Center of the Russian Federation.
According to forecasters, the average temperature in the country was below normal by more than a degree. Temperatures east of the Urals were even lower by two to six degrees. On the European territory of the country – lower than the prescribed by five to nine degrees. However, at the beginning and at the end of the month, warm weather with precipitation was observed, which overpowered the cold, and as a result, the average monthly temperature exceeded the norm by two to four degrees.
Cold weather was also observed in western Europe, Central and Southeast Asia and other regions of the world.
Text: Elena Stepanenko, Photo: open sources