#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. A pilot training base for the Arctic and Antarctic regions is being created in Russia. An ice training airfield is already being designed in the Krasnoyarsk region.
“There are 18 types of Arctic ice, and only two of them are suitable for landing aircraft. It is necessary to be able to determine it from the air”, said the author of the idea – the head of the Aerochimflot alliance Klim Galiullin. “Our alliance and our partners employ specialists with vast experience in landings on drifting ice floes. These people still fly on An-2 and An-3 planes in the North, in Antarctica, as well as on helicopters to ensure the work of icebreakers on the Northern Sea Route. We are obliged to preserve and replicate their experience”.
Earlier we reported that three satellites will be launched to control the ice in the Arctic. The melting of ice this summer has slowed down, and its age can now be determined using the space remote sensing system of the Earth.
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Text: Ekaterina Maksimova, Photo: Naryan-Mar squadron / vk.com / avianao