#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. Employees of the Taimyr Nature Reserves directorate headed by doctor of biological sciences, ornithologist Sergey Haritonov set off on an expedition to the Pura biological station.

As the leading public relations specialist Larisa Stryuchkova said, scientists plan to monitor two large nesting colonies located near the base: on the Upper and Lower islands.

Red-breasted geese nest on Upper island, and white-fronted geese nest on Lower one. Scientists carefully map these nests and watch how they change from year to year.
“And the rest of the neighborhood is quite rich for an ornithologist. Tundra swans nest there. In the same place in 2015 and 2017, a swan was seen with a nest near the Malaya Bystraya river. The estuary is an interesting place – here the ground thaws faster and the birds have a good opportunity to rest before further flight. This is a stopover and feeding place for geese on their migration route to the North. It was there that in 2017 Sergey Haritonov managed to spot a white-fronted albino goose”, explains Larisa Stryuchkova.
In addition, scientists observe the visits of the brown bear; monitor the state of the wild reindeer population.
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Text: Angelica Stepanova, Photo: Taimyr Reserves directorate and Olga Alexandrova