Dixon catches fish from tree

Dixon catches fish from tree

June 13, 2023

Zookeepers hang greenlings on branches, forcing the injured bear to pull itself up.

#ARCTIC. #SIBERIA. THIS IS TAIMYR. The Moscow Zoo director Svetlana Akulova in her social networks spoke about an unusual way of rehabilitating Dixon, who was rescued last year in the north of the Krasnoyarsk region. The bear then received severe gunshot wounds. The Red Book animal has a serious illness – the hind legs paresis.

“In addition to apples, zoologists sometimes hang greenlings on branches, thereby forcing Dixon to pull himself up. And this makes him even more interested: he throws the fish into the water, looks for it there, and then eat it with pleasure”, Svetlana Akulova writes in her Telegram channel.

The animal continues to be treated by the Moscow Zoo staff. For treatment, specialists accustom him to vibromassage and a myostimulator. However, the polar bear’s health condition is still precarious. He is not expected to make a full recovery. Therefore, subscribers are doing everything possible to help him, and at the same time thank those who take care about him.

On social networks, users leave hundreds of comments under posts about Dixon’s health. A community has even formed around the bear. The crippled polar bear’s fans have created a separate chat Dixon Club, where they discuss the animal’s latest videos and photos.

And the footage of the bear splashing in the water of its enclosure and eating apples prepared for it, recently posted on The Moscow Zoo’s Friends Telegram channel, caused universal emotion.

Social media users are cheering as they see progress in treating the animal. The most dedicated fans went even further. One of the subscribers even got a tattoo with her favorite animal. In their comments, people say that they specially come to the Moscow Zoo for bears from different parts of the country. Although, it is not always possible to see them.

Recall that the polar bear about two years old was found immobilized on Dixon island. According to local residents, the bear wandered around the dwellings for two weeks in search of food. Environmental and law enforcement specialists from Moscow, Krasnoyarsk and Norilsk, as well as veterinarians from the Moscow Zoo, organized an operation to rescue the animal, in which Norilsk Nickel took an active part.

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Text: Elena Popova, Photo: screen shots of the video from Svetlana Akulova's page

June 13, 2023

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